Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Rose By Any Other Name

A Rose By Any Other Name

Recently I was involved in a LinkedIn discussion on the future of the SDET role. One participant stated:
Test automation (like spec) has made it so easy to write tests, that testing is really strong now. 90% of the "real" projects on GitHub have large test suites. Maybe this is just the startup scene in Seattle, but anyone using OSS is likely going to have a robust testing suite... And no dedicated testers or SDET.
While I applaud developers who actively practice TDD or who retroactively develop robust Unit tests, I do not believe this portends the end of the SDETs. Quite the contrary, I believe the more application development teams embrace these new tools and methodologies, the more prominent the SDET’s role becomes.

Apparently I’m not alone, in the book “How Google Tests Software” they do not have the title of SDET instead they have Software Engineer in Test (SET).
At Google, we have created roles in which some engineers are responsible for making other engineers more productive and more quality-minded. These engineers often identify themselves as testers, but their actual mission is one of productivity.  Whittaker, James A.; Arbon, Jason; Carollo, Jeff (2012-03-21). How Google Tests Software (Kindle Locations 551-552). Pearson Education (USA). Kindle Edition.

Again from “How Google Tests Software” the role of the SET:
SETs are partners in the SWE codebase, but are more concerned with increasing quality and test coverage than adding new features or increasing performance. SETs write code that allows SWEs to test their features.  Whittaker, James A.; Arbon, Jason; Carollo, Jeff (2012-03-21). How Google Tests Software (Kindle Locations 566-567). Pearson Education (USA). Kindle Edition.

Having been a (American) football player in my youth, I had always thought of QA & Test as the defensive team; preventing our opponents (bugs) from scoring (making it to production).  My analogy has morphed as I have become a strong proponent of Agile and BDD/TDD. I believe SDETs are the offensive line on the project team. The SDET’s charter is to “enable” the application team to achieve it’s shared objectives of quality and velocity.

True SDETs are well positioned because they can directly impact IT’s ROI. As IT departments re-invest in training, infrastructure, tools and processes, they would do well to take the offensive and invest in strong, talented SDETs.